The study of English is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.
In English, students learn about the study and use of the English language in its various textual forms. These encompass spoken, written and visual texts through which meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted and reflected. Complexity increases as students progress through their schooling.
Developing proficiency in English enables students to take their place as confident communicators; critical and imaginative thinkers; lifelong learners; and informed, active participants in Australian society. Their understanding of English through knowledge and skills acquisition is essential to their intellectual, social and emotional development.
The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.
At Bankstown South Infants School, we implement the Learning, Language and Literacy (L3) program to explicitly teach students to read, write, comprehend and communicate their ideas. Students receive small group instruction each day in reading and writing, where their individual needs and goals can be met. Literacy activities are designed and prepared by the classroom teachers to support students learning. Students can exercise autonomy through choosing activities that interest them and work through them at their own pace. Students are exposed to many high-quality texts from our school library to build their comprehension skills and also foster a life-long love of reading.
Our school also uses the Soundwaves program to support student's learning of letter and sound relationships (phonics). Students build their digital literacy and IT skills by using PM online and ABC Reading Eggs at their own pace.